The Eleiko Weightlifting Level 1 online course is designed to help you develop a deep understanding of effective instruction, cueing, and feedback and provide a system for assessing and progressing novice or advanced weightlifters.
This self-paced 12+ hour ONLINE course is designed to up-skill fitness and performance professionals in coaching, technical movement, and programming for weightlifting. You will be systematically introduced to the weightlifting movements (snatch, clean, and jerk) and have a systematic process for coaching others through the technical lifts. The course also introduces the fundamentals required to build basic weightlifting programs and/or incorporate weightlifting as a component of progressive, periodized training plans.
After you complete the course, you will have access to the level 1 test, once you pass the test, you will receive your certificate.
The course will provide each participant with a greater level of interaction by using lectures and practical applications for each section.